1. Make sure you take 5-10 minutes to stretch and roll out post workout! This will be VERY important for your recovery. Some of my go-to stretches= hip hinge holds with an opening and closing of the pelvis, lunges with a twist, chest openers, gate openers, low back stretches/openers, side to side bent over glute stretches with R arm inside R leg...

2. If you have a race coming up, spend AT LEAST the week before the race or effort hydrating and fueling well DAILY! This will give your body a good base before going into your effort.

3. MINDSET MATTERS!!! Set your intention before any movement you do. Even if it's your goal of being present during the movement, working to keep your mind from wandering. Your body is capable of a lot and your MIND helps you accomplish even more.

4. Pay attention to how your body feel after you eat certain foods. Just NOTICE! Do you feel energetic? Do you feel lethargic? Headache? Bloated? If you find a pattern, it is probably a good idea to remove that food for a bit and see how you feel. Then add it back in after 2 weeks and NOTICE again how you feel. This way, you can see how your body is reacting to certain foods. Even "superfoods" like kale, salmon, and quinoa can be inflammatory to some bodies. Just notice;)

5. Practice your BREATH! Breathing is key. Practice breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth while walking. Then try it while hiking or jogging. Your breathing technique can make you more efficient in your movement. TRY IT! If you can sleep with your mouth closed at night, that will make a HUGE difference in your body and mind, as well. Check out the book BREATH by James Nestor for more info. 

6. Try finishing your showers with 15-30 seconds of cold water. Really good for circulation, improves  your metabolism, increases endorphins. Start by slowly adjusting the temp and build up. This isn't magic or a cure-all, but it may be something that could really give you some good benefits.


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